• The MOT DO’s and DON'Ts You Should Be Aware Of

  • When you are planning to take your car for an MOT test, you do ensure enough from your end to make sure that everything goes right. You don’t want to reappear for an MOT Corby because that’s too much of a task to take on your shoulders unnecessarily. There are certain points that you must keep in mind as to what you should and should not do when it comes to getting your vehicle ready for an MOT test. These guidelines help you make sure that you don’t leave any stone unturned from your end and pass the test with flying colors.


    So now, keep reading for do’s and don’ts that you should be careful of during an MOT.


    MOT Careless Don’ts You Should Be Mindful Of


    Some people end up committing silly and careless MOT mistakes that lead them to fail the test for no obvious reasons, but their own mistake. To make them aware of that, the points below will be their help.


    Don’t Drive With an Expired MOT


    To begin with, the only time that you won’t put yourself in any legal trouble for driving without a valid MOT is when you are taking your car for servicing or an MOT test itself. Other than that, there’s no exception that you will be spared a fine or legal issues for driving without a legal MOT.


    Why put yourself in trouble when you can have a legal MOT certificate and drive safely? So, NEVER be tempted to take your car out if your MOT is expired or due.


    Don’t Leave the Lights On


    Many people find it convenient to leave their car a night before at the garage to get the MOT test done and leave their key to the safe system provided by the garage itself. When that happens, not reminding yourself to check all the lights before the final drop-off means a drained-out battery. A drained-out battery for sure means a failed MOT which is an outcome of you being careless.

    Not just a failed MOT, it will also mean an addition to your cost out of nowhere. So, a good way out of this situation is to make sure you check the car before the final drop.


    Don’t Reach The Garage With an Empty Tank


    You must be aware that emission checks are a very important element of an MOT test. Now, when there’s not enough fuel in the tank, this task can itself become a task, which could mean a failed MOT.


    To avoid that, you should not be taking your car to the garage with not enough fuel. Always keep this in mind.


    Don’t Think That an MOT and a Car Service is the Same


    To put it this way, your MOT is just like a general consultation and a car service means taking an actual spa. There’s a world of difference here, right? That’s the same with an MOT and a car service. If you think you passed an MOT now and there’s no need for a car service because everything is good, you are highly mistaken!


    Don’t Substitute MOT & Car Service


    Adding to what has been said above, if you think that a successful MOT gives you the license to ignore your car service for the long term, it can be very risky. You can’t be driving with loose wires, bolts, etc. Your safety is in your hands.


    Do’s You Should Keep in Mind


    Now when you know what must not be done, here are some things that must be done.


    Car Cleaning


    If you are famous for having a dirty and unwashed car, get your car washed or be ready to fail the test. Yes, surprise. A dirty car means a hindered vision while you drive and that’s not approved during an MOT test.


    Along with car wash, also make sure that the interior of your car is not piled up with unnecessary stuff making it hard for the person to spot where to check and what to check. If that’s the case by any chance, you can also be denied the test. So, be careful.


    Go With Enough Fuel


    Most of the time, it can be a mistake that you don’t check the tank and it has no or less fuel. So, make it a pointer to have a look at the fuel mark and get the filling done as per the requirement.


    Be Aware and Pass The End In The First Go!


    Though these MOT dos and don’ts might sound like small issues to you, these can lead to a failed MOT. The way MOT and car servicing Corby are interconnected tells a lot about how it should be and what are the right steps that you should take!


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